Bonus Content: The Failed Heist Episode

"I'm just glad that I could finally be a Latina woman." ~ Endeavorance

Bonus Content: The Failed Heist Episode
"I'm just glad that I could finally be a Latina woman."
~ Endeavorance

When the Atlas Loom team tried recording Episode 3 ("Stealing for Fun, But Not Profit"), there was a lot that went wrong. We weren't entirely in the proper mindset, there were interruptions from appointments we had to keep, Diana had to actually do her day job for once... and so we ended up only recording about half an hour of not-up-to-par content that was only tangentially related to yoinking before deciding to give in and come back another day.

Look, before you judge, no one is infallible.

Anyway, it wasn't all a waste. Whenever we get a failed episode we still try and go in to grab whatever bits and pieces of wisdom and wisecracking that we can salvage, in order to compile it into one clean little package for you lovely Gilded Worldweavers out there.


Topics covered in this messy scrap heap of an episode

  • Skull
  • Fushigi product placement
  • John Wick (of course)
  • The corporate hellscape
  • Diana has never seen a single movie, ever
  • Still not plagiarizing. Just so we're clear on that one.

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