A D&D creator who's multiclassed into everything else.
Bonus Content: Episode 10
"I sobered up just enough to realize the guy was Irish. And that was my fucking DOWNFALL-" ~ Diana
Episode 10: The Voice in our Heads
"I hate this, I don't want to code switch into British" ~Diana
Episode 9: Diana Hates Factions
"Welcome to The Atlas Loom, a thinly veiled Lance Reddick fan podcast." ~ Dev
Bonus Content: Episode 8
"I would do ANYTHING for a stroopwafel. I would KILL a man for a stroopwafel." ~ Endeavorance
Episode 8: Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites
"Welcome to The Atlas Loom, a thinly veiled Lance Reddick fan podcast." ~Dev
Bonus Content: The Failed Heist Episode
"I'm just glad that I could finally be a Latina woman." ~ Endeavorance